I will be your God and you shall be my people.
Jeremiah 7:23
St. John Lutheran Church has a rich tradition of over 140 years of ministry in York, Pennsylvania. The church is committed to living and doing whatever it takes for the sake of God’s Kingdom. We accomplish that mission by Relying on God, Relating to One Another as Christ taught, and Responding to His Grace with the help of the Holy Spirit.
St. John has regular worship services and Sunday school classes on Sunday mornings. We have additional services during the seasons of Lent and Advent.
Our church has many ministries including ministries that serve our church members and ministries that serve the community. We also support three international missionaries and a local York ministry. Visit our Ministries Overview for more information.
St. John is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS). The LCMS is a Bible-based, mission-oriented, confessional Christian denomination that is founded upon the teachings of Martin Luther, and has more than 2 million members in over 6000 congregations. Please visit this site for our doctrinal position. Doctrinal Position.
St. John's Position on The Lord's Supper
- As Lutheran Christians, we believe Christ’s body and blood are truly present with the bread and wine, offering forgiveness of sins to all who believe in Jesus Christ. We ask those who commune to share this unity of faith in Christ and understanding of the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Since the Scripture teaches that we are “to examine ourselves before eating of the bread and drinking of the cup” (1 Corinthians 11:28), if you are not certain of the meaning of Holy Communion or have not been baptized or instructed in the Christian faith, please speak with the Pastor before communing.
- St. John offers First Communion to youth only after instruction during the confirmation class. Children and youth who have not been confirmed may come to the altar to receive a blessing.