Rental Information

  • Availability

    Our facilities are available for rent on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to availability and approval. We recommend booking your event well in advance to secure your desired date and time.

  • Rates

    Rental rates vary depending on the specific facility and duration of use. Please contact us by clicking your preferred room below for more information on pricing and availability.

  • Ammenities

    Our rental packages include access to basic amenities such as tables, chairs, A/V equipment, and Wi-Fi. Additional services such as kitchen access and technical support staff may be available upon request for an additional fee.

  • Policies and Guidelines

    We adhere to certain policies and guidelines to ensure the safety, security, and integrity of our facilities. Renters are expected to comply with our rental agreement and guidelines, which will be provided upon booking. Failure to properly care for the facilities may result in additional charges to the payment on file.